We are Jo & Paul Dalton, We are very experienced owners and fully inspected Local Authority 5 star licensed breeders of Boston Terriers, Whippets and Standard & Minature Smooth Hair Dachshunds, having owned and been involved in dogs all of our lives. We have been breeding as a couple since 2003 and have owned, bred and loved Boston Terrier’s since 2009, Whippets from 2017 and more recently in early 2023 gone back into both standard and miniature Smooth Hair Dachshunds.. This is wholey thanks to a dear experienced breeder friend Karis Small of Devondax Dachshunds which has meant we have secured a couple of stunning standard foundation bitches: 'Devondax Roses Are Red In Mumuland'' and her Litter sister  'Devondax Hot To Trot Around Mumuland' and a gorgeus Mini Smooth bitch: 'Devondax Keep it Classy Mumuland' on which we can build a sound and healthy line for both breeds going forward. Jo was involved with rescue Whippets when she worked for the RSPCA during 1995-1997 and has loved the breed ever since. We have owned and bred all three variities of Miniature Dachshunds in the past but due to the health issues we expericned with our Miniature Dachshunds from 2000 - 2009, we decided we had to make the very diffiuclt decision to pause our breeding programme and have a long hard think about our future as dog breeders.  Between 2011 - 2014 we owned French Bulldogs, but despite doing what we could to ensure the health of our dogs and having each one health tested to FBCE  (French Bulldog Club Of England) Gold standard, the increased health issues associated with the breed meant that in 2014, we were forced to make yet another very difficult decision to stop breeding them after only ever breeding one litter. . Put plain and simply, in both instances, we could not justify the risks of continuation of breeding from our dogs and our particular lines, when we felt we really could not guarantee the health of the resulting puppies, no matter how much we loved the breed.
Our kennel name “Mumuland” (pronounced ‘moo moo Land’) comes from Bill Drummond’s band ‘The KLF’ and was granted in early 2013 and has replaced our former kennel name of ‘Daltdach’ which was wholely Dachshund related as we needed a Kennel name unassociated with a single breed that at the time we no longer owned or bred.  We still own the kennel Name 'Daltdach' but no puppy has been registered under it since April 2013. 

We strive to breed happy, healthy dogs, who are of sound temperament and type who conform to the breed standard for all three breeds as well as Fit For Function. Therefore we health test all of our breeding dogs, the health tests for our Bostons include patella scoring, heart testing and regular BVA Eye examinations for Late Onset Hereditary Cataracts. In addition to this all of our Bostons are either 'DNA tested Clear' or born 'Hereditary Clear' of Juvenile Hereditary Cataracts, meaning ALL Boston Terrier puppies bred by us are born 'Hereditary Clear' of JHC. Although there are no Kennel Club recommended health tests for Whippets, as they are on the whole one the healthiest breeds that exist - we do for our peace of mind, have our whippets heart tested by BVA specailest cardiologist anually in additon to being examined anuually under the  BVA Eye Scheme. We will be ensuring that our standard Smooth Hair Dachshunds, will be X-rayed and screened for IVDD at the approproate age and also examined anually under the BVA eye schme. . 
We are proud of the fact we are fully inspected 5 Star Local Authority Licensed Breeders again after moving to our new permanent home here at Swineshead Bridge in Lincolnshire.  Which is the next village to the one in which we lived from 2012 - 2017 before we moved to Newark in Nottinghamshire in May 2017, we held our previous 5 star local authority breeding licence in Newark as well.  We are very pleased to be back in the peaceful Lincolnshire Fens and feel very lucky to live where we do, with plenty of space and endless countryside for the dogs along side us to explore. Jo is passionate about everything she does and is fully trained in dog Ultrasound Scanning since 2011 and has been a fully trained and registered Pet Microchip implanter since 2004 as well as offering dog welfare consultancy and writing content on dog breeding and breed specific literature of her chosen breeds. This is to help educate dog breeders and dog owners alike, in addition to striving to improve and reform dog breeding practices and first and foremost dog welfare here in the UK.