Standard & Minature Smooth Hair Dachshunds
You are able to view the profiles, relationships and pedigrees of our breeding dogs by visiting either our Standard Smooth Hair Dachshund Girls or our Miniature Smooth Hair Dachshund Girls pages. You can also click on individual profiles of any dog conatined in the pedigree to view that dogs profile and relationships to other dogs.
We are constantly adding and updating dogs along what we know about each one to our website dog database as we discover more through our own pedigree research, which is something Jo is passionate about doing. If you are a breeder of dog contained within our dog database and would like to add further details to that dogs profile or would like us to add a link to your webiste or contact details, please let us know by Contacting Us so we can do this for you..
Where we can, we will add photos of the dogs contained within our dog database and credit the copyright ownership of that photo to the photograher where possible. Again this is not always possible if we can not find the rightful copyright owner, so if you would like one of your photos credited to you please let us know by Contacting Us here.
We typically breed one to two litters of both standard and miniature varieties of Smooth Dachshunds every year, you can find details about our Puppies here and get more information about our current and planned litters here.
Occaionally, for various reasons, we have older dogs available for re-homing. Any dogs we have available are listed below - you will also find some brief history about them and the type of home they require by clicking on their profile page. If you feel you may be a suitable match for one of our advertised older dogs then please use our Client Questionnaire to contact us to find out more about our re-homing process.