The Boston Terrier 

The Boston Terrier is one of the few breeds of dogs that originates from the United States of America, although they owe a little of their ancestry to the British Bulldog, the breed actually came into being in the late nineteenth century in the eastern states of America. His short, square muzzle identifies him as a ‘Bull breed’ and his small erect ears combined with his well defined colouring add to his smart appearance. Dapper and classy, he is a real eye-catcher when out and about and due to the Boston Terrier's markings resembling formal wear, in addition to its refined and pleasant personality, the breed is commonly referred to as the "American Gentleman." The Boston is derived from original pit fighting dogs and is one of the few breeds ‘made in the USA’. It was in 1893 that a mix of bull and terrier types finally produced the first pair of dogs which were to become the foundation of the Boston Terrier. 


The Boston Terrier is a highly intelligent dog but can sometimes be determined and self willed. They need training which needs to be approached in a firm but gentle manor to ensure that they do not develop unwanted habits. They do very well in Obedience, Agility, Flyball, and Therapy work. Typical physical traits include a smooth coat, and both a short head and tail resulting in a balanced compact build. Colouring is primarily brindle, seal or black in colour and evenly marked with white. The head is in proportion to the size of the dog and the expression indicates a high degree of intelligence. Boston Terriers are typically small, compactly built, well proportioned dogs with erect ears, short tails, and a short muzzle that should be free of wrinkles.  


They usually have a square sort of face. Ideally, white should cover its chest, muzzle, band around the neck, half way up the forelegs, up to the hocks on the rear legs, and a white blaze between but not touching the eyes. According to the international breed standard, the dog should weigh no less than 4.5KG (10 pounds) and no more than 11.5KG (25 pounds). Boston Terriers usually stand 12-17 inches at the withers.


Boston’s are a nice small to medium size breed which is comfortable to have around house. Even though they are small, they will bark to let their family know if someone is at the door, but tend only to bark when necessary. Although it is always good to remember each dog is an individual and some will bark more than others. Boston’s are known for their affectionate nature and sunny disposition. The Boston Terrier is intelligent, enthusiastic, affectionate and playful. They get along well with other pets, dogs, and children. Boston’s have an excellent disposition and a high degree of intelligence, which makes them an incomparable companion.


Boston Terriers have strong, friendly personalities. But can range in temperaments from those that are eager to please their master to those that are more stubborn. Both can be easily trained given a patient and assertive owner. Having been bred as a companion dog, they enjoy being around people, and, if properly socialized, get along well with children, the elderly, other canines, and non-canine pets making them ideal family pets.

You are able to view the profiles, relationships and pedigrees of our breeding dogs by visiting either our Boston Terrier Girls or Boston Terrier Boys pages.  

We do still own our amazing International Champion bred Polish Import boy Travis who will be 9 years old in April of this year. However he was found to be developing a late onset Herediary Cataract at the age of seven, which was found at his last annual BVA eye examanination in September 2023, given this eye examination result and his age, he is now only available at very limted stud to approved bitches who have a current "unaffected' BVA eye examination. result. Currently he is very active and healthy and still producing excellent quality progeny and healthy litter sizes.  He is our only male dog presently and therefore we have removed our stud pages from the main website menus and the details of our stud service is now only available through the links contained on Travis' profile page. 

You can also click on individual profiles of any dog conatined in the pedigree to view that dogs profile and relationships to other dogs. 

We are constantly adding and updating dogs, along what we know about each dog to our website dog database as we discover more through our own pedigree research, which is something Jo is passionate about doing. If you are a breeder of dog contained within our dog database and would like to add further details to that dogs profile or would like us to add a link back to your webiste or contact details please let us know by Contacting Us so we can do this for you.

Where we can, we will add photos of the dogs contained within our dog database and credit the copyright ownership of that photo to the photograher where possible. Again this is not always possible if we can not find the rightful copyright owner, so if you would like one of your photos credited to you please let us know by Contacting Us here. 

It is worth noting that from late 2024 we will only ever have one breeding Boston Terrier female at a time and will only be breeding Boston's very occassionally (approximately one litter every 3 years) this is because of the high stress levels involved in having a litter of Bostons, due to them typically requiring a C-Section in order to deliver their pups. With our own helath issues, we no longer feel as able to constnatly manage the huge amount of emotional stress that comes from one of our beloved girls needing such major surgery every time they give birth. You can find details about our Puppies here and get more information about our current and planned litters here.

Occaionally, for various reasons, we have older dogs available for re-homing.  Any dogs we have available are listed below - you will also find some brief history about them and the type of home they require by clicking on their profile page. If you feel you may be a suitable match for one of our advertised older dogs then please use our Client Questionnaire to contact us to find out more about our re-homing process.


For Sale