(Boston Terrier / Whippet) Contract of Stud Service 




Pet Name Of Bitch:                                                                                                                  

Date of Birth:

KC Registered Name of Bitch:                                                                                                

KC Registration Number:

Microchip Number:                                                                                                                  

COI % Of Bitch:



Owner at time of mating:                                                                                                        

Address: (including postcode)      




Was mated to:   


Pet Name of Stud Dog:                                                                                                          

Date Of Birth:

KC Name of Stud Dog:                                                                                                          

KC Registration Number: 

Microchip Number:                                                                                                                

COI % Of Stud Dog:




Dates of Mating:      

Earliest Pregnancy Confirmation Ultrasound Scan Date:

Estimated Whelping due Dates: 

Future COI % of Resulting Litter:




1. Provide bitch owner with copies of a complete (minimum) 3 generation pedigree of the Stud Dog, Health testing certificates and mating inbreeding percentage.

2. Take normal adequate care of the bitch while in their charge.

3. Have the stud dog in good physical condition, eye tested and Health Tested as recommended by the Kennel Club as well as being permanently identified by Microchip or DNA profiling.

4. Sign Kennel Club Litter Registration promptly and return to bitch owner on collection

5. Provide a return stud service to the same bitch if no confirmed pregnancy, results from a natural mating, at no charge provided: The registered owner of the bitch has not changed, the bitch has not been diagnosed with suffering from a uterus infection / Pyometra before a matings, which may or may not have contributed to either the non conception or loss of any pregnancy. The bitch was mated naturally and was that AI (with fresh or frozen seman) was not used instead of a natural mating for the initial mating. To receive the return service, the bitch owner must notify the stud dog owner of failure to conceive, in writing, (including electronic messaging) not more than 70 days following the date of signing of this contract. If the stud dog used for the original matings is no longer available for whatever reason, for the return service, the stud dog owners are not contracted or obligated to offer a replacment stud dog to the bitch owner. No refund of any fees in connection with the original stud service will be given in lieu of a return mating.

6. Provide the bitch owner with a copy of this Contract as a form of receipt for the money paid for the stud service and a record of the breeding dates.



1. Pay the agreed stud service fee before the bitch has been serviced.

2. If pick of the litter, (POL) i.e. the puppy is to be taken in lieu of the cash stud fee, to provide a five generation pedigree of the bitch.

3. Provide stud owner with copies of a complete (minimum) 3 generation pedigree of the bitch, and current health testing certificates

4. Send bitch in good health and in season, eye tested and Health Tested as recommended by the Kennel Club as well as being permanently identified by Microchip or DNA profiling.

5. To have the bitches’ pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound scan imaging not less than 30 days post last mating and to notify the stud dog owner, in writing (including electronic messaging) no later than 70 days after the date of signing this contract if no pregnancy results from the mating. Failure to do so will result in no return service being provided.

6. Keep the bitch properly confined following the breeding to ensure no other dog could mate her accidentally before her heat cycle is finished.

7. Once pregnancy has been confirmed by ultrasound scan not to undertake or allow any procedure to take place that could or would be deemed detrimental to either the health of the bitch or her unborn whelps this includes internal examinations unless performed by a qualified veterinary surgeon.

8. All pups (bar the bitch owners or stud dog owners ‘pick of the litter’ pup if applicable) resulting from this mating to have their KC documents endorsed with ‘Progeny Not Eligible For An Export Pedigree” and “Progeny Not Eligible For Registration” and agree this second endorsement will not be removed from any resulting puppy before the dog /bitch has reached 18 months of age and had and passed the required health testing (BVA HC eye test result of ‘Unaffected’,  Patella Score of under 2 for each leg and a normal heart test).

9. Any future owner of a pup resulting from this litter who wishes to breed from it, must be referred to the stud dog owner before breeding from their dog, and agrees to use a stud dog of the stud dog owners choosing and pay appropriate ‘stud fee’ or ‘POL’ for use of their services.



1. All expenses in condition with the breeding, such as DNA health testing kits, cultures, artificial insemination (whioch can only be performed by a qualified veterinary surgeon) fresh or frozen sperm collection, sperm shipment, shipping containers and veterinarian fees as well as food & transport fees incurred in connection with this breeding are the responsibility of the Bitch owner and must be paid if and as they are incurred.

Fees associated with this mating:

Total Additional Fees Due: £

2. The current Stud Fee for                                                                                                          is £                or ‘pick of the litter’.

If paying a stud fee, full payment must be made via bank transfer before any mating takes place.

3. The cost of transport of the bitch to and from the stud owners’ premises agreed at price of £            in addition to the stud fee.

4. If pick of the litter, the puppy is to be taken in lieu of the cash stud fee, stud owner will make selection of pick puppy prior to any puppy being sold or promised and prior to the litter becoming four/six/eight weeks old.

5. Stud owner is not obligated to sign litter registration application until stud fee is paid in full or pick of the litter is agreed.   

6. Stud owner has exclusive rights to keep or sell (once the pup reaches the age of 7 months in accordance with Lucy;s Law) picked puppy (if taking a puppy in lieu of cash stud fee). Stud owner has the right to name the said puppy.

7. One puppy born alive or dead constitutes a litter and no free of charge return stud service will be offered.

8. If the bitch fails to conceive the bitch owner is entitled to a free of charge return stud service with this same bitch at her next approved heat provided it is within twelve months of signing this contract. So long as the bitch was mated naturally for the original matings and  were were not done by the use of AI by a qualified veterinary surgeon with the use of fresh or frozen season. If the bitch was orignally matied by AI and fresh or frozen seaman was used instead of natural mating’s the chances of pregnancy is considered to be reduced therefore no return stud service can be offered. The same terms apply as per condition number 5 of the stud owners’ agreement terms set out on page 2 of this contract. A free of charge return service will only be offered to the bitch owner provided all conditions of this contract have been met and the registered owner has not changed.

8a. If the bitch is confirmed to be pregnant via ultrasound scanning and or a ultrasound scan confirms the presence of pyometra / uterus infection, (regardless of predetermined fertilisation). and the pregnancy is no longer viable or present, then the the stud dog owner is no longer liable for a return free of charge service and thereby clause 8 of this contract is no longer applicable. The stud dog owner accepts no responsibility or liability for the contraction of the bitches uterus infection / pyometra.

8b. If the bitch is confirmed pregnant via ultrasound scan but has no viable pups resulting from mating, then this contract is considered fulfilled, the stud dog owner has no obligation to return any part of stud fee or money paid to them in conjunction with the mating and thereby clause 8 of this contract is no longer applicable.

9. If a return service is offered under the above terms and the bitch fails to conceive on the return service, this contract is terminated.

10. The Stud dog owner reserves the right to refuse a mating should it be deemed in their opinion to be detrimental to the health or welfare of either the bitch or the breed. In which case, a handling fee of £250 will become due, in addition, if transport costs or additional fees such as DNA Health Testing kits for the bitch have been agreed or incurred as part of the stud service, the bitch owner will still be responsible for paying all agreed transport and additional fees along with the handling fee even though a mating did not take place.




SIGNATURE OF STUD DOG OWNERS:                                                                                   Date:    

SIGNATURE OF BITCH OWNER(S):                                                                                         Date:




Date of Return Stud Service: 

Stud Dog KC Registered Name:                                                                                                

KC Registration No:

Microchip Number:                                                                                                                      

Date Of Birth:



Dates of Mating:  

Whelping Due Dates:   

COI of Litter:


SIGNATURE OF STUD DOG OWNERS:                                                                        Date:

SIGNATURE OF BITCH OWNER(S):                                                                              Date: